The right Vs Wrong puzzle

Sylvanus Zoamo
2 min readJun 28, 2020

Imagine that you built an autonomous driving system for a car.

A well-functioning autonomous system should be able to make safe driving decisions without any external input.

You decide to test your car by giving it instructions to crash into a concrete wall

The car speeds up towards the wall until you have to smash the brakes to stop it from crashing into the wall and possibly killing you.

What will be your conclusion?

A) The system worked because it obeyed my command to crash into the wall (Despite this being an unsafe driving decision)

B) The system failed because it did not prevent the car from crashing into the wall as a good car should.

Now let’s apply the logic to a popular story

According to the Hebrew Bible, God made the heavens and the earth, created man and all the creatures in the sea, on land, and in the sky, and saw that all was good. Then Abraham God wanted to test if Abraham was loyal…

God commanded Abraham to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice. Abraham takes his son out for a trip. When Isaac asks about the lamb for the sacrifice, Abraham replies that “the Lord will provide”. When they get there, Abraham binds his only son to an altar, lifts the knife, and is about to sacrifice him before an angel of God appears and stops him saying “now I know you fear God.” Abraham looks up and sees a ram which he sacrifices instead of his only son, Isaac.

What is your opinion about Abraham for:

A) Abraham was correct for obeying a command to sacrifice his son even though it is against the first commandment “thou shall not kill”

B) Abraham failed for being willing to and making all arrangements to kill

Will Abraham be wrong if he had responded along these lines; “I worship and honor you oh Lord but I will not kill my son because it is wrong” ?

Do you find any conflicts when you compare your responses to those from the car analogy above? Is it right Vs Wrong relative?

Let me know what you think in the comments section.

Thanks for reading.



Sylvanus Zoamo

Here to share my thoughts and opinions on issues that matter to me. Challenge when I’m wrong, support me when i’m right. That’s how we grow together